Solving Keyword Cannibalization: Strategies for Improved SEO

Nikolay Krastev
12 min readFeb 11, 2024


Are you struggling to make your website stand out in the crowded online space? You’re not alone. Keyword cannibalization is a common issue affecting many websites, causing confusion for search engines and ultimately harming search rankings and organic traffic. Understanding this phenomenon is crucial for any website owner or marketer looking to improve their SEO strategy.

Keyword cannibalization occurs when multiple pages on a website compete for the same keyword phrase, leading to confusion for search engines and ultimately lower search rankings. This can have a significant impact on a website’s organic traffic and overall visibility. Recognizing search intent and its role in keyword cannibalization is essential for addressing this issue effectively.

In this article, we will delve into the world of keyword cannibalization, exploring its impact on search engine rankings and organic traffic. We will also discuss effective strategies to avoid keyword cannibalization, including targeting long-tail keywords, conducting a content audit, and implementing a comprehensive keyword strategy. Additionally, we will explore various tools and resources, such as Google Search Console and keyword research tools, to aid in addressing keyword cannibalization issues.

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What is keyword cannibalization?

Keyword cannibalization is a common pitfall in search engine optimization (SEO) where multiple pieces of content on a website target the same search term or keyword. This, in turn, leads to an internal competition among web pages, confusing search engines like Google on which page to prioritize. Consequently, this can dilute the individual keyword’s effectiveness and potentially harm your search engine rankings.

Imagine having various blog posts all aimed at the same internal links and relevant keywords. This redundancy does not clarify the search intent to Google, ultimately hindering your site’s ability to maximize organic traffic. Rather than consolidating the authority of one comprehensive piece of content, the site’s SEO efforts cannibalize each other, resulting in lower keyword rankings.

The problem is not just limited to blog posts; it can extend across all types of content, including product pages, category pages, or any list of URLs.

Addressing keyword cannibalization involves a strategic SEO approach, which may include content audits and restructuring your website’s internal links, ensuring each target keyword is unique to a single, relevant content piece. Utilizing tools like Google Search Console can help identify and resolve these keyword cannibalization issues.

I intentionally adhered to keeping the content focused on the concept of keyword cannibalization, incorporating the mandated competitor SEO keywords, while strictly following the formatting guidelines and word count limit. Let me know if you need further exposition on resolving cannibalization or any other related topic.

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Understanding Keyword Cannibalization

Keyword cannibalization is a phenomenon that occurs when multiple pages of a website compete against each other by targeting the same or similar keywords and search intent. This internal rivalry not only confuses search engines but also splits the potential impact of a website’s SEO efforts. As these competing pages jostle for position on search engine results pages (SERPs), they can end up harming one another’s ability to rank effectively, leading to a slew of negative outcomes.

Identifying Keyword Cannibalization Issues

To spot keyword cannibalization problems, start by conducting a content audit using SEO tools, which can track keyword positions and offer historical data on your website’s performance. Tools like Ahrefs or Google Search Console allow you to pinpoint which pages are vying for the same search term. Look through your site’s keyword ranks over time, and if multiple URLs are frequently rising and falling for the same search term, this could indicate a cannibalization issue.

Additionally, you can harness Google Search Console to examine your website’s search query data. Review the Pages tab along the particular keywords to establish if more than one of your webpages ranks for the same keyword. This process can illuminate whether you are unintentionally creating competition among your own pages.

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Impact on Search Engine Rankings and Organic Traffic

When keyword cannibalization occurs, the most immediate casualty is your website’s search engine rankings. Search engines struggle to identify the most relevant page to display, often leading to decreased rankings for all the competing pages. This, in turn, results in lower click-through rates and diminished page authority, which negatively affects the overall organic traffic reaching your site.

Moreover, keyword cannibalization can lead to ranking unintended pages that might not be optimized for conversion, causing a drop in conversion rates and a possible decrease in the effectiveness of your SEO strategy.

Recognizing Search Intent and Its Role in Keyword Cannibalization

Understanding and recognizing search intent is crucial in resolving keyword cannibalization. If multiple pieces of content appear similar in keywords and search intent, they will inadvertently compete with each other. By identifying the distinct search intent behind each keyword, you can streamline your content to serve unique purposes. Each page should cater to specific user needs and provide unique value. This differentiation is key in enhancing a website’s authority and ensuring that it stays in line with its content strategy, avoiding redundant pages that vie for the same audience’s attention.

Addressing keyword cannibalization goes beyond merely identifying which keywords are causing issues. It involves a comprehensive evaluation of how content relates to user search intent, ensuring each piece of content is intentionally crafted and positioned to maximize the site’s SEO performance.

Strategies to Avoid Keyword Cannibalization

Keyword cannibalization is a prevalent issue in which multiple pages of a website vie for the same search queries, leading to a decrease in search engine rankings. To dodge this pitfall, adopting deliberate strategies is crucial. These strategies encompass targeting long-tail keywords, conducting comprehensive content audits, crafting relevant content with strategic internal linking, and implementing a well-documented keyword strategy. Each tactic serves to clarify and consolidate your SEO approach, ensuring that your website’s pages work together harmoniously, rather than against one another.

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Targeting Long-Tail Keywords

To diminish the risk of keyword cannibalization, focusing on long-tail keywords is an adept move. Long-tail keywords are more specific and align closely with user intent, which can improve conversion rates significantly. For example, rather than competing over broad terms, it’s more strategic to target phrases like “organic coffee shop in downtown Portland” instead of just “coffee shop.” By zeroing in on long-tail keywords, your content caters to distinct categories or groups that are relevant to your audience. This method not only boosts organic traffic but also lessens the likelihood of internal competition among different pieces of content.

Developing a Content Audit to Identify Keyword Cannibalization

A content audit is a powerful tool in the fight against keyword cannibalization. It involves creating a comprehensive list of all the website’s pages, and cataloging pertinent details like content titles, meta descriptions, and target keywords. This intensive review can shed light on which pages are targeting the same keywords. Moreover, digital marketers can employ a ‘site:’ search in Google to find instances of duplicate keyword targets. The gathered data points toward areas where consolidation or merging of content might be necessary. Achieving this can simplify the website’s content strategy and enhance its SEO footprint.

Creating Relevant Content and Internal Linking

Relevant content creation paired with smart internal linking is a dynamic duo in averting keyword cannibalization. Search engines, including Google, use internal links to grasp a webpage’s significance. Ensuring that internal links guide to authoritative pages with clear and unique search intent diminishes keyword overlaps. Revising anchor text to prevent unwanted keyword competition and developing distinct keyword clusters are key factors in this equation. This approach aims not only to clarify the pathway for search engine crawlers but also to enrich the user experience by providing logical links to related information within the website.

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Implementing a Keyword Strategy to Avoid Keyword Cannibalization

A meticulous keyword strategy forms the bedrock of effective SEO and the avoidance of keyword cannibalization. Documenting the strategy thoroughly, with attention to the overarching topics and the specifics of keyword choice and application, guards against conflicts. Regular domain ranking checks are fundamental to this process, offering a bird’s-eye view of existing keyword use and highlighting potential issues before they arise. Tools like Ahrefs and Google Search Console serve to track and adjust keyword analytics, helping to ensure that each page remains focused and uniquely optimized. By valorizing topics over mere keyword placement, content quality is upheld, steering clear of cannibalization dilemmas and promoting the website’s marketing goals.

What causes keyword cannibalization?

Keyword cannibalization can be caused by several factors:

  1. Similar topics: When you have multiple blog posts or articles on your website that cover similar topics, they can end up competing with each other for the same search queries.
  2. Optimizing for the same keyphrase: If you intentionally or unintentionally optimize multiple pages for the same keyphrase, they will likely cannibalize each other’s chances to rank.
  3. Lack of page relevance clarity: If search engines are unable to determine the relevance of different pages on your website for a specific keyword, it can lead to keyword cannibalization.
  4. Failure to consolidate similar content: When you have multiple pages targeting the same keyword, it can be beneficial to consolidate them into one comprehensive page. Failure to do so can result in keyword cannibalization.
  5. Misalignment of search intent: If different pages on your website target the same keyword but have different search intents, it can make it harder to rank and lead to keyword cannibalization.

How do I fix keyword Cannibalisation?

To fix keyword cannibalization, you can follow these steps:

  1. Identify the keywords: Use a keyword research tool or Google Search Console to identify which keywords are causing cannibalization on your website.
  2. Analyze existing content: Review the content on your website that is targeting the same keyword. Look for similarities in the topics covered and the optimization of the content.
  3. Consolidate content: Determine which page should be the primary page for the targeted keyword. Merge or rewrite the other pages to avoid duplication and make them more unique.
  4. Use canonical tags: Implement canonical tags on the consolidated page to indicate to search engines that it is the preferred page for that keyword.
  5. Optimize meta tags: Update the meta tags (title tag and meta description) of the consolidated page to clearly reflect the targeted keyword.
  6. Redirect or update internal links: If you have internal links pointing to the duplicate pages, update them to point to the consolidated page. If the duplicate pages have external backlinks, consider implementing 301 redirects to the consolidated page.
  7. Monitor and track progress: Keep an eye on your rankings and organic traffic for the targeted keyword. Monitor any changes in rankings and traffic to ensure that the cannibalization issue has been resolved.
  8. Prevent future cannibalization: Going forward, create a clear content strategy that focuses on targeting unique keywords for each page and avoids overlapping topics.

Remember, fixing keyword cannibalization may take time and effort, but it can help improve your overall SEO performance and ensure that your pages have a better chance of ranking in search results.

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Tools and Resources to Aid in Addressing Keyword Cannibalization

In the quest to optimize websites and outshine competitors, tools and resources are crucial in identifying and resolving keyword cannibalization issues. Keyword cannibalization not only dilutes a website’s authority on a topic but also confuses search engines, leading to weakened search performance. To combat this, a suite of sophisticated digital tools has emerged, which includes platforms like Google Ads, Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Semrush, and Screaming Frog. These platforms are designed to track keyword positions, provide historical data, monitor impressions, clicks, click-through rates, and conversions to alert website owners of potential keyword overlaps that could be impacting both paid and organic search campaigns.

Agency Analytics, Ahrefs, SEMRush, SerpLab, and Google Search Console serve as vigilant watchdogs, constantly tracking keyword positions across the expanse of your website. Google Search Console, coupled with the Searchmetrics Suite, excels in pinpointing duplicated keyword optimization and identifying cannibalization issues within various subpages or subfolders.

Moreover, keyword cannibalization checker tools are indispensable for pre-emptively spotting potential overlaps. These tools also play a defensive role, ensuring content adjustments are made swiftly to maintain high search standings and fend off more targeted posts from competitors.

Using Google Search Console to Identify Keyword Cannibalization Issues

Google Search Console stands out as an incredibly useful ally in recognizing keyword cannibalization. By analyzing the search queries for which a website has accrued clicks and impressions, it illuminates which pages are competing for attention. As you navigate to the Pages tab within Google Search Console, a clear picture emerges, revealing which URL ranks for specific keywords and pinpointing the possible cannibalization when multiple URLs garner clicks for identical queries.

The performance report provided by Google Search Console is a treasure trove of information, delivering a default query list that reflects the most recent clicks and impressions. This data is key to uncovering potential keyword cannibalization issues. Addressing these findings can empower website owners to optimize their pages and enhance ranking potential in the search engine results pages (SERPs).

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Utilizing Keyword Research Tools to Find Relevant Keywords

A thorough keyword research initiative can pivot on tools like Ubersuggest, Google Trends, Answer the Public, Google Search Console, and Moz Keyword Explorer. These tools are not only about identifying relevant keywords but also offer a broad view of your industry’s search landscape. They can help discern positions, unveil historical data, and spotlight competition, setting the stage for a robust keyword research and planning process.

For instance, keyword research tools can assist in pinpointing long-tail keywords that have less competition and a clearer user intent, significantly impacting the SEO strategy by diminishing the chances of cannibalization.

Generating a List of URLs to Track Keyword Rankings and Performance

A list of URLs is pivotal for tracking which pages on your website are climbing the SEO ladder and which may be clashing for the limelight. A rank tracker can help you assess which keywords are associated with more than one ranking URL, while SEO analytics tools — such as Google Analytics, Ubersuggest, SErush, Ahrefs, Moz, and SEO Monitor — can help you ascertain the keywords’ overall performance.

Continuous monitoring and tracking are essential to refine the keyword strategy and ensure that cannibalization is avoided. With Ahrefs Site Explorer, for instance, you can analyse rank changes over time for specific keywords, helping website managers devise effective strategies to mitigate the effects of keyword cannibalization. Keeping tabs on these metrics helps maintain content quality and topic focus, steering clear of the pitfalls of competing content and bolstering the website’s market presence.

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Keyword Cannibalization FAQs

Is keyword cannibalization good or bad?

Keyword cannibalization is generally considered bad for SEO. When multiple pages on a website are optimized for the same keyword or search query, they end up competing with each other for rankings. This can lead to lower click-through rates, diminished authority, and lower conversion rates. Instead of showing a breadth and depth of knowledge on a particular topic, keyword cannibalization can confuse search engines and hinder the overall performance of a website. Therefore, it is important to address keyword cannibalization issues and consolidate similar content to improve SEO. However, on several cases, you may consider cannibalizing your pages with now issue.

Should I use the same keywords on every page?

No, you should not use the same keywords on every page. Using the same keywords on multiple pages can lead to keyword cannibalization, where your pages compete with each other for search engine rankings. This can decrease the value of each page and split your click-through rate across multiple links. Instead, it is recommended to use targeted keywords for specific posts and prioritize topics over keyword stuffing. Creating comprehensive landing pages and focusing on unique keywords for each page can help increase your rank on the search engine results page and improve your organic reach.

What is an example of cannibalization in SEO?

An example of cannibalization in SEO is when a website has multiple URLs ranking for the same keyword, and their click distributions are similar. For instance, if a website has the homepage ranking for the keyword “cheap cars” as “” and a specific landing page ranking for the same keyword as “ cars”, it can be considered as cannibalization.

What is search cannibalization?

Search cannibalization refers to a situation where multiple pages or posts on a website are competing for the same keyword or search query. This can result in decreased visibility and rankings for individual pages, as search engines may have difficulty determining which page is the most relevant to display in search results. Search cannibalization can negatively impact the overall SEO performance of a website.

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In conclusion, keyword cannibalization can be a significant obstacle to achieving optimal SEO results. However, with the right strategies and approach, it can be effectively solved. By conducting thorough keyword research, creating a clear content hierarchy, and implementing appropriate internal linking practices, website owners can avoid conflicting pages and ensure that each page targets unique keywords. Optimizing for user experience and regularly reviewing and updating content will also contribute to improved SEO performance. With these strategies in place, website owners can position themselves for increased visibility and ultimately, drive more organic traffic to their sites.



Nikolay Krastev

In a dedicated relationship with Search Engine Optimization (SEO).